My Big Brothers Wedding by Jessica Peterson

Last month my brother T got married!  
It was a beautiful wedding, unfortunately I wasn't photograph it, they had an amazing photographer do that, I just enjoyed!
I am so happy for them and I loved spending time with the whole family.

 ALSO.... Alpha Smooth (who is just amazing) set up a photobooth at the reception, they are really great.  You can see them on her blog 

Advil and dogs don't mix. by Jessica Peterson

Wednesday afternoon Max thought it would be a good idea to chew open a bottle of ibuporfin.  I wasn't sure how many he had eaten and at the time he seemed fine so I didn't think much of it until later that night when his insides fell outside.  Luckily there is a 24 hour vet a few blocks from me so I brought the poor dude in a 3 am.  They prepared me for the worst so I thought I might not ever be bringing him home.  Luckily he has been doing better, I went for a visit today and he seemed comfortable and sleepy.  If things keep going as they are I will be able to bring him home tomorrow.

Thankful for these people... by Jessica Peterson

I am sorry my blog has been invaded by these faces, but they are what I love the most.
I was blessed enough to spend the week with them.

I loved finding a table full of amazing drawing of monsters... These were my favorite, I love the floating monsters holding hands.

by Jessica Peterson

I wish I had something clever to go along with this image but I don't.
I just love it
Maybe because it reminds me of youth and the magic that come with being totally enamored 
with something as simple as a pair of sparkly shoes.

Sarah Tyau is AMAZING by Jessica Peterson

This is Sarah
This girl has a gift to turn old things into new
She recently made her mothers old skirt into something stunning and new,  I photographed her in the dress for a contest she will be entering.
Check out her DIY blog, I LOVE what she does.
She also demonstrates on the blog how she made the necklace she is wearing.