PS1 MoMa by Jessica Peterson

I went to the PS1 MoMa in Queens last week.  
I enjoyed it fully.  Some pretty good art but I was more in love with the space than anything. 

Watching Francis Alys' film, watched it twice. 
partners in crime E and A
Met a new friend in the hallway, it was his birthday... too bad he was so young. 

Fun Fact: E went to the same college as I did but a few years later and we met at our summer program at SVA.  Glad we met. 
Thank you random stranger for being apart of my favorite moment of the  day... 

My Favorite Ryan by Jessica Peterson

This is Ryan. 
He came to New York to play. 
I like him, he is an INFP.

While he was here we:

 dressed up like birth control to protect ourselves from the rain while visiting lady liberty.
ate tacos and played with friends
enjoyed the best parts of Harlem
and found twins on the side of a building. 
Ryan, you are great.

Meeting Elmo by Jessica Peterson

A few months ago I went with my brother and his family to "visit" Elmo.  We thought the kids would be elated to meet such a celebrity, boy were we wrong.  When we stepped into the room Oliver and Abby scurried to the corner of the room screeching in fear trying to get as far away from the giant red monster as humanly possible.  Elmo terrified Abby so deeply that she spent rest of the day looking over her shoulder to make sure Elmo wasn't following behind.  I love these shots, the kids huddled in the corner while Elmo looks strangely concerned.

by Jessica Peterson

What is it about peanut butter in the middle of the night?  When ever I can't sleep I always shuffle into the kitchen, dip a big spoon into my crunchy Adam's Natural peanut butter and eat it very slowly until it hits the right spot (whatever spot that is).  I thought I was the only one until tonight I walked into the kitchen and saw my roommate sitting with an exhausted slouch on the kitchen counter with a spoon full of peanut butter in her hand.  Not much was said, we just nodded and smiled, this need must run deep in the blood of sleepless girls.

Beginners = Bueno by Jessica Peterson

If you are craving something extraordinary go see the movie Beginners. 
By far one of my favorites of the year. 

 reasons to go see it:
-you simply like good films
-you enjoy beautiful cinematography paired with an perfectly appropriate soundtrack 
-you appreciate good story telling and emotional lyricism
-like dogs, or don't like dogs but would like to one day like dogs
-feel like laughing, but in the deep dark way