Boxes and boxes by Jessica Peterson

This last weekend was the longest ever. My mom moved out of the house we have been in for that last 22 years. I knew it was going to be difficult for me to pack up 22 years of our families history and say goodbye to our childhood home, so I photographed a little bit in hopes it would preserve some of those memories. It was a trip going through boxes of lost treasures.

a favorite book and dress I wore
Bothers karate belts and scout shirt
some old dolls I made and forgot about. Ashley, I had made the white bunny for you, your initials are on the butt.
Jammas Ash made me in Jr High and a Ninja Turtle I got for breaking a bad childhood habbit
Shirt of me, old jammas and a poodle skirt mom made for me for a play in first grade
tiny jacket dad got me when i was a little kiddo

This is my baby blanket, I thought this was long gone but I found it. I guess I really needed it as a kid, It was my one true love, I couldn't do a thing without it.

And the drawings!

Old stuff
Grandma stitched pillow and a blanket that my mommas moms friend had made for her.

Sylvia Plath and her words by Jessica Peterson

I like her words although at times they are too sad for me to take.

Here are a few of them...

"And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."
(I wish I had this one tattooed onto my hands)

"The man creates a pseudonym and hides behind it like a worm."

"There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them."
(claire, this one is for you)

"Out of the ash I rise with my red hair and eat men like air."
(and this one makes me smile)

Sandy Skoglund Blows My Mind by Jessica Peterson

For class this week we are talking about using color to our advantage. Today for class I will be showing the students a ton of work that shows how important color can be, of course the first images that came to mind were Sandy Skoglund. She creates the most interesting, beautiful installation pieces and has them photographed.

Honestly amazing and inspiring.

Deer in the headlights ... by Jessica Peterson

I am a deer stuck staring into the headlights (even though it's T in the picture below).

Forks in the road scare the crap out of me if I can't see where they lead. Sometime the forks are small enough that I know either path will work out just fine, but it's the BIG ones that cause me to stop dead in my tracks with legs as useless as my swollen tonsils. I sometimes wish I was a robot and didn't have to choose, I wish there was only one pathway to walk and it was a beautiful one... but nope, I feel and I reap the consequences of my decisions wether they be good or bad.

Well let's look at the bright side... at least deer are cute.

Hospital Shoot by Jessica Peterson

Friday I photographed with Andersen Productions at a hospital in Payson. It was a long day and I hope I got some good stuff. It felt heavy there and it kinda came out that way.

The shot above is my favorite...

And Baby!!!

The beautiful part of the day.

The Best Birthday A Girl Could Have. by Jessica Peterson

Yesterday was my birthday and oh what a birthday it was. Thank you for all of your warm wishes, texts and facebook comments. I can't believe how amazing my friends are to have supported me the way they did, I am blessed to have such amazing people in my life.

Well, last night I threw myself a party and set up a "photo booth" in my house and had some dorky little props for people to play with. I am really happy I set the thing up because I have some hilarious photos now, I think I will make a little book of them. There were close to 1,000 images and I haven't had time to really go through them yet but these photos below are ones that really stood out to me. I will post more when I have the time but these will do for now.

This one is my favorite...

K. There will be more soon.

Have a wonderful day!


It's My Birthday by Jessica Peterson

I decided birthdays are always best if you make them a big deal yourself. So here I am, making my birthday a big deal. I am older (I wonder how many more years I will be accepting of this fact). I am grateful to have been so blessed in my life.

Some pictures of tiny me
I couldn't find any birthday ones so these will have to do.

monster mash... it was love.

Me, T and my beautiful Grandparents.

33 Cents by Jessica Peterson

Today was special.
I went to Smiths to purchase a new toothbrush and some hand soap. I found each item on sale for 1 dollar each (score)! When I went to check out they rung up to be a total of 33 cents (big time score). I figure karma is paying me back for something I did sometime ago.

*the picture above is the toothbrush I was replacing, it was bad news.