Candied Citrus Peels /
Mini Adventure /
Cats hate Max /
Max walked around the entire day with what I thought was a booger on his head, I went to wipe it off a few times but figured it was better left alone...
It wasn't until later that night my roommate Tessa pulled at the "booger" and found that it was Cat's claw stuck deep into the poor guys skull.
Luckily I have some pictures of the claw/booger on his head.
It's the white speck above his right eye...
In my book /
Rachel /
Fried Twinkies... /
Out my front window /
I need your help! link /
So I did something really stupid, I let me website go for a few months and now google wont read it. If you search my name I am nowhere to be found and because my name the most common name on the planet I have disappeared.
If you would please link my site to your blog post or visit my site a few times within the next few days hopefully I can get back google search...
Thank you!
It was Valentine's Day and I liked it... Strange. /
Gone /
Cleaned out the rest of the house yesterday. It was strange to be in such a familiar place and have it become so unfamiliar in a matter of hours. I took pictures.
moms guitar
the first time the garage has ever been this clean
wall floor door
my old closet. many nights i sat in this space as a kid...
Bye home. I'll miss you.
Boxes and boxes /
This last weekend was the longest ever. My mom moved out of the house we have been in for that last 22 years. I knew it was going to be difficult for me to pack up 22 years of our families history and say goodbye to our childhood home, so I photographed a little bit in hopes it would preserve some of those memories. It was a trip going through boxes of lost treasures.
a favorite book and dress I wore
Bothers karate belts and scout shirt
some old dolls I made and forgot about. Ashley, I had made the white bunny for you, your initials are on the butt.
Jammas Ash made me in Jr High and a Ninja Turtle I got for breaking a bad childhood habbit
Shirt of me, old jammas and a poodle skirt mom made for me for a play in first grade
tiny jacket dad got me when i was a little kiddo
This is my baby blanket, I thought this was long gone but I found it. I guess I really needed it as a kid, It was my one true love, I couldn't do a thing without it.
And the drawings!
Old stuff
Grandma stitched pillow and a blanket that my mommas moms friend had made for her.
Sam Taylor Wood. /
I can and will... /
post and share whatever I feel and see fit to share on my blog.
if you don't like it, don't look.
simple as that.
To see in a better light. /
Sylvia Plath and her words /
I like her words although at times they are too sad for me to take.
Here are a few of them...
(I wish I had this one tattooed onto my hands)
"The man creates a pseudonym and hides behind it like a worm."
"There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them."
(claire, this one is for you)
"Out of the ash I rise with my red hair and eat men like air."
(and this one makes me smile)