Fishies. /
So cute... /
Oops.. /
sometimes i make mistakes.
Dance Dance Dance /
Laura and Jason /
Blind Contours #3 /
Last night's dinner party called for portraits.
Blind contours: line drawing that is created without the use of constantly looking at the paper. Instead, one concentrates intensely on the item that he/she is drawing and tries to draw the many shifts of lines and tangents of lines seen.
Bryce (my favorite one)
Natalie (both)
Jason and Pearl
Rose and Justin
And line drawings of a tape I found and some words.
oh kitty. /
Giant Lap Dog /
Candied Citrus Peels /
Mini Adventure /
Cats hate Max /
Max walked around the entire day with what I thought was a booger on his head, I went to wipe it off a few times but figured it was better left alone...
It wasn't until later that night my roommate Tessa pulled at the "booger" and found that it was Cat's claw stuck deep into the poor guys skull.
Luckily I have some pictures of the claw/booger on his head.
It's the white speck above his right eye...
In my book /
Rachel /
Fried Twinkies... /
Out my front window /
I need your help! link /
So I did something really stupid, I let me website go for a few months and now google wont read it. If you search my name I am nowhere to be found and because my name the most common name on the planet I have disappeared.
If you would please link my site to your blog post or visit my site a few times within the next few days hopefully I can get back google search...
Thank you!
It was Valentine's Day and I liked it... Strange. /
Gone /
Cleaned out the rest of the house yesterday. It was strange to be in such a familiar place and have it become so unfamiliar in a matter of hours. I took pictures.
moms guitar
the first time the garage has ever been this clean
wall floor door
my old closet. many nights i sat in this space as a kid...
Bye home. I'll miss you.