Hair /
Wednesday /
-decided to run away
-got distracted, put off running away for another day
Dear Roy Lichtenstein, /
I think about your work often. Sometimes your images pop into my head during the more dramatic times in my life and somehow it romanticizes it all into something bearable... I know that was not your intent but thank you for that.
BTW I especially love Drowning Girl, it was the wallpaper on my phone for about a year.
Rainy Day /
Today was simple and that is okay with me.
-Woke up and sent resumes and emails out. Hoping they land in the hands of the right people.
-Took Max to the park, I love when it is a little wet outside, he slides around the grass like a clumsy pup.
-Brought out my camera for fun, wanted to document the tiny corners of my day.
-Taught the last class at BYU, it was nice to see the student's work.
-$4 yummy dinner with Stina, Bobert and B.
- Quick stop at the Malt-Shoppe for oreo shake. Took 5 bites and was done.
Like I said, today was simple.
On my shelf:
small hand collection
diagram of the human eye torn from an ancient medical book.
and of course... the dog.
He follows me around all day as if I he was starving and I was a large dripping slab of meat.
I Love Sukie /
Dear Pearl, /
Paper Circles /
Here is the shoot from Saturday...
I had tons of fun photographing promo images for Katie Brandeburg who is a dear friend of mine and a great musician (see her here). I wanted to do something feminine and graphic at the same time... I liked the ides of having these little bubbles following her around the way creativity/light/ideas follow us around waiting to be captured and solidified.
*Katie keep going...
Sneak Peek /
Velour: Book on Tapeworm /
Just had the most amazing shoot /
Meg /
I love what I do.
Yesterday I photographed Meg. I love what I do. I love what I do. I love what I do.
After the shoot I was trying to explain to Katie how good I feel after I shoot, all I could come up with is that it feels like there is a warm, yellow sun in my chest... ha ha, I know that sounds so lame but it is the truth. I love light, I love using it.
You are beautiful.
I love you more.
Katie B is a pretty pretty girl /
I am stuck in a little town in southern Utah at the moment. We were driving back from a weekend in southern California when we were bombarded by a freak snow storm...
I wanted to take pictures but it wasn't a very good idea. Although it was a little scary it was really beautiful, grey and strong.