This morning by Jessica Peterson

Most mornings Max sits by my feet while I get ready.
This morning I photographed him waiting for me.
Why is it that the biggest pain in my butt is my favorite pain in my butt.
I enjoy his company.

Home by Jessica Peterson

I Flew home last night. I am tired from the weekend and from being afflicted with a cold.
I miss everyone already.

This is how I feel. Wish I could be sleeping right now.

The day before Thanksgiving day by Jessica Peterson

Yesterday was busy, I photographed the entire day but unfortunately I can't post the images. But I have all of these to share!!! I downloaded my new favorite app on my iphone, shake it. So great, it takes imitation polaroid pictures on your phone, great for me because I get insta-cool photos without spending hundreds of dollars... Sorry Polaroid, I just can justify 3 dollars a shot, but if you bring the prices back down to normal I promise to delete the iphone app...(maybe).

So, I am in San Juan Capistrano for the holiday.
I'm under the weather at the moment but hopefully my body is playing a trick on me and I wake tomorrow healthy and happy.

What I did today:

bathroom tile...

some feet, maybe mine

the pool, its warm like a bathtub

drive to the beach

windows are down

best moment of the day

or maybe this was

my knees and the sun

water and salt


the first time I have ever viewed seaweed as beautiful

evening games with the brothers

the monopoly game, I lost.

CA by Jessica Peterson

I flew to Southern California this morning for some photo shoots and to spend Thanksgiving with the family. Good times.
I'll be posting pictures soon.

Lots of 'em.

A Post by Jessica Peterson

My brother Travis calls me yesterday morning and says to me, "what you don't take pictures anymore?"

This question bothered me because it's true, I don't.

I feel dry.

I sat on the ground near the window (after taking a picture of the drawing from the post below) to just sit for a minute and Max thinks it's time to play so he throws his body into my lap


there you go Travis, I took a photo!

Adventures with Max by Jessica Peterson

The search for snow.

Max was looking really depressed today so I thought I would give him a little adventure and find us some snow to play in.

The valley was dry, cold and sunny so we had to venture high into the mountains to find the snow. I have always wanted to take pictures of max while in the car, I laugh every time I see his wide open flapping eyelids and wing-like ears floating about in the wind.

We found snow
a river.

Happy wet dog. Not so happy me (only because he rides in my car)

Words by Jessica Peterson

Once upon a time I wrote religiously in my journals. The past few years I have stopped, not really sure why, maybe just done trying to figure things out through words. Well, for some reason I grabbed an old journal thinking it was a newer sketchbook and sat down to doodle before bed. I opened the black book and saw all of my old words lined up neatly and begging to be read so I decided to revisit the old Jessica and the strange fruit that her mind once bore.

I had a good laugh.

I honestly don't know what was going on half of the time because I wrote so vaguely but I found some little snippets that made me laugh at myself and wanted to give them a second life.

Here are a few of them.

Aug 18 2005: "We just don't want to face the reality that things might actually suck. What if all the pessimists are right?"

Feb 1 2005: "I am tired of myself again, I think I'll take a nap."

Feb 2 2005: "My Gratitude list:
-eating snacks alone so I can chew as loud as I please.
-the lack of air as I open a package of freshly processed film.
-finding the guts to do something scary.
-the humility that is bestowed upon me every time I misspell a word.
-a nearly completed journal and knowing that inside a book there are thousands of my thought and experiences recorded. "

Oct 4 2004: "I was having this dream, there was a tree, not a real tree but one my mind drew, its branches were long and bare, they grew and swivelled like octopus tentacles. The black spine swayed in my dream and when I woke up my foot was hanging off the bed imitating the motion of the tree."

Sep 12 2004: "This was something worth getting hurt over."

There ya go, a little bit of nothing to add to nothings on the internet.

A Negative Post. by Jessica Peterson

I want to complain, I want to complain real good.

Jessica's Gripe List:

I hate that some people think that being absolutely and terribly wasted in public is acceptable. If you are going to be loud, obnoxious and foul, stay at home or stay in the bar, I don't want to deal with it.

Why are so many girls wearing baby bows on their heads? What's going on?

Why in the heck are all my peers acting like born again teenagers? Who thinks it's a good idea to pick up smoking at 25? Really? I don't get it.


There you go...

The Shining by Jessica Peterson

Tonight some of us watched one of my favorite films The Shining. I love it because it has the right amount of horror and still manages to be a beautiful film. I suggest you watch it.