instant gratification by Jessica Peterson

I really love these little images 
I love holding them in my hands after I expose them and they noisily slide out of the plastic camera
I don't like to watch them develop, I just set them aside for a minute then surprise myself with a strong look
This morning called for photos
-the blanket I hang on my window so the outside world can't see in (one day I will break down and buy a curtain and rod like a normal person)
-the snow as it fell
-the inside of Max's mouth, I tried to take a photo and he tried to eat the camera
-this is from a failed instax that refused to develop so I drew an image
no need to waste such a lovely moment.

Jon Heder and Nick Peterson's Short Film by Jessica Peterson

 I don't know if many of you know this but I have an extremely talented family, I am grateful for their examples and the push they give me when I feel lame and small.  Well, my oldest brother Nick is a film guy and at the moment he and his friend Jon Heder (aka Napoleon Dynamite, you know, the "my lips hurt real bad" guy) are using Kickstarter to raise some money for a short film project they are planning on shooting soon.  If you have a moment and would like to check it out please do, just click on the link below the image.  The concept of the film is really great, it is about a the relationship between and man and woman, the man brings all things destructive into the relationship and leaves her alone to dwell in the mess, it sounds dark but it will be told in a beautiful and unconventional way... I believe it will be shot live action with stop motion.  Check it out!


Thank you Lou by Jessica Peterson

Saturday morning an old friend (Lindsey Winkel) came over to photograph me,  I photographed her a while ago and she felt it was necessary to get me back. 
These are a few of my favorite ones.
PS I am really bad at having my picture taken, hence the best ones are with my face mostly covered by hair... haha.
I love the one tooth being shown.  he is such an ugly monster sometimes.
a phone call from my mom.

by Jessica Peterson

Last night I found a card in the bottom of my bag, I was about to format it thinking there probably wasn't anything that hasn't been downloaded already on the card... luckily I didn't format the card but double checked, I randomly took these the other week.  I am happy that I checked. 

Max's favorite seat in the house, fits him just right. 

SFMOMA: Exposed by Jessica Peterson

Today I ventured to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art to check out the current exhibit Exposed: Voyeurism, surveillance and the camera since 1870.  
It was really interesting to see the different examples of voyeurism, looking in on some of these people's personal lives and the evidence of ones intrusion of another's.  I got to thinking about the blogging/facebooking world, how many of us are willing to expose so much of ourselves, but much of what is revealed is the beautiful, photoshopped, fun, edited parts of ourselves so we can mold the way we are being seen.  It was really refreshing (for lack of a better word) to see something more raw, intelligent and telling, although still not always the "truth" because I am not sure photography is always able to do. 
It was a great show, it was lovely seeing so many great photographers images in print and in person.
I love museums, I love going by myself and at my own pace but I did miss having someone to chat about with it afterwards... So if anyone has already seen it I would love to hear your thoughts.  

Alison Jackson
Jack Road Rage, from the series Confidential
fictional stories made with celebrity look-alike models.
She stated, "I try to highlight the psychological relationship between what we see and what we imagine. This os bound up in out need to look- our voyeurisn - and our need to believe."
Richard Avedon's image of Andy Warhol 
Sohie Calle
I loved her Hotel series, she got a job as a chambermaid in Venice and would photograph the rooms she tended to and the personal object, letters and even what their garbage bins were filled with.  I love that small stories could be created from the tiny details gathered. 
Richard Learoyd
Jasmijn, to the Light
Abelardo Morell
Camera Obscura Image of Maria della Salute with Scaffolding in Palazzo Bedroom
I LOVED these, such an amazing concept and wonderful thing to do. I loved the idea of turning a room into a camera, bringing the outside world in, turning it upside down and then taking a photo of that. 
So brilliant and strange at the same time. 

Lunch Date with D by Jessica Peterson

Yesterday I roadtripped by my lonesome to San Francisco,  I am shooting a wedding tomorrow and wanted to come out early to spend some time with D and her new baby Opal.  I LOVE San Francisco, basically I love everywhere I go but I love California in the wintertime because it is nothing like Utah.

Today D and I (along with Opal but I didn't even realize she was there the entire time) went for lunch at the funniest little diner called Arts Cafe.
and After (it was called a hash brown sandwich)
 and there is the baby, just hanging out. 

Crab Pot = a good time by Jessica Peterson

It was really strange to eat a bunch of seafood before going to the Aquarium... I felt really bad but I can't say it wasn't worth it.  We went to the Crab Pot to fill up on crab, it was really fun because the waiter brings a huge pot of crab, corn on the cob and potatoes and dumps them onto the table and throws a wooden mallet into your hands and you go to town on the poor little guys until all of their insides are inside you. 
just a fish on the wall 
 Jim and Natalie with their super stylish bibs.  To be honest I thought the bibs were just for kicks but they were a necessity if there ever was one.
And me and my sister Jessica 
(yep, we are both named Jessica...)

oh and PS, still using the Instax Mini and still loving it.

Seattle Day 1 by Jessica Peterson

Friday morning I flew to Seattle with two of my close friends so we do take their engagement photos (congrats Nat and Jim!!!).  We figured we would kill two birds with one stone, a great trip to Washington and a beautiful place to take photos.  
After arriving we stopped at Archie McPhees I promise that store was made for me, I was like a child in a candy store, I was laughing and smiling the whole time, I don't know what it is about novelty gifts that make me so happy... While at Archie's I purchased the greatest purchase I could have ever purchased (you will see what it is very soon and most likely quite often from now on). 
Here is me, in my element... haha, I like orange I guess
Jim and Nat 
Visiting some cool place. 
The asphalt is so pretty in Seattle, moss grows everywhere, it's natures carpet.