by Jessica Peterson

I had lunch with sarah and Brea today, we were talking about where we were at this time last year.  I really had a good year full of all kinds of good times.

There is max as a puppy

Last years b-day (sorry 25, you didn't make the "good times" cut, bronchitis and tears just didn't do it for me)  we had a mustache party which was one of my favorite nights.

Frequent road trips to LA 

Random parties and Tracy
My old job was a great blessing for me.  I was able to learn a lot, met some great people and had some amazing times.  Moab shoot.

Hawaii shoot with RB, (thanks to rancid navaho taco's I was  able to slim down before the trip... only kidding, it was horrible)

Dog or Fish by Jessica Peterson

Max points

The sun came out again, Max and I went to Vivian park so Max could go swimming.  He was a happy dog. 

I keep getting sick, I think I need to fire my immune system, it's not doing a good job and I am tired of it.  

by Jessica Peterson

Tonight wasn't my favorite.  In fact I could have done without (except watching Claire dance). 
I am home about to go to bed and I feel unfulfilled, restless and empty...
I guess this is why I am posting these images.  

The images of the rays below is absolutely amazing, what I would give to have been there.  I really need to travel more, let's all go.

I don't know the name of the awesome chalk guy but I have always loved this guys creativity and talent.

A bit of humor to soften some of the lame moments in life...

Well, I don't feel any better.  I think the next option is to sleep.  Someone come entertain me before I do that.

LOVE by Jessica Peterson

The other evening I said with all sincerity to Claire that I was done being a photographer. She said what else do you want to do, all these things came to mind and the list is a long one. Why did God make our lives so short when there are so many amazing things to be doing with ones life?
Well, I fell in love once again with the art (yes, I said art) of photography. These images above are unfortunately not mine but they are beautiful and inspiring, quiet and deep, alive and still.
I am happy to say that I have been offered an amazing opportunity to work with a fresh company and I am excited to create.

PS Maxie is doing well, he shook a bit last night but has been fine since then. Thanks for the love and concern.. I really appreciate it.


maX-RAY by Jessica Peterson

Last night around 1 in the morning I was sitting half asleep infront of the TV when all of a sudden Max's head starts to tremble violently, at first I thought it was a bizarre yawn but when jerking didn't stop my heart stopped and I began to panic. I just broke into tears, sobbing and scared I imagined that this friendship may be a temporary one. I swear I was living one of those nightmares when you try to call for help but you have no voice to shout with or the phone in your hands wont dial the right numbers... I called nearby friends for some sort of reassurance and so I wouldn't have to panic by myself. No one answered. I then tried to google a 24 hour vet care but the internet wouldn't work and when it did the search kept guiding me in circles. After 20 mins of attempting composure we got into the car and drove to the 24 hour care. when we finally got to the clinic Max was back to normal. We sat in the entrance for a while then decided it would be better for my wallet to wait until the morning since he seemed fine, maybe he would be better by then.
We drove home, settled down and then the shaking started back up again. I just held him while he shook until he fell asleep, then I slept. I woke up to a the trembling and the chattering of teeth in the morning so I brought him in again. Max had some x-rays done to see if this was caused from the sewing pins he munched on last sunday evening.nothing. The doc hadn't seen the tremble so I showed him video of it, he then said it seems to be neurological and he would have to do some research before he knew what to do.

Max is next to me asleep now. I have seen him tremble a few times tonight. I am hoping it will go away.

Does anyone know what this could be?

ASHDON by Jessica Peterson

This is baby Ashdon.

My beautiful friend Ashley gave birth to her son Ashdon earlier this week. So beautiful, maybe even perfect.

I swear it was only yesterday we were scabbed kneed kids collecting quarters to buy candy @ Wills Pit Stop and asking our moms if we could have a have each other over for dinner. I know I say this all the time but I am so happy you are still in my life. I am so proud of you Ash, you are going to be an incredible, loving, devoted mother. Hopefully I will have a kid before yours goes to college so they can hang out.

by Jessica Peterson

I helped a good friend of mine with a iconic object project. Radio Flyer. It was a lot of running around but it was fun.


Why not take advantage a little bit?

by Jessica Peterson


was amazing because:
I woke up in the presence of two of things that make me the happiest and then met with some friends for lunch. It's nice to have genuine girlfriends to talk with. Emily from my old RB job and Elna is a longtime family friend. 

And of course, cupcakes for the kiddos and especially this big one. Yummy Cupcakes in Burbank is pretty awesome. 

Kelly and I walked Melrose looking at cloths and people. We stopped by Marc's office which is pretty much my dream office, a creative and friendly environment that encourages employes to bring their doggies. 

Below is a dog that was abandoned around the corner from the office, some lady had a litter of puppies and was tossing them around town like trash.  This little one was thrown over a fence into an alley. Some people are crazy. 

Marc and Kelly

Doggie taking a little pee

We met up with Sabine and spent the afternoon drinking tea and talking about school, where we have been and where we are going (circles mostly). Not many people know what my school experience was like, it's really nice to be able to talk with these two about it.I feel like it was all some sort of bizarre dream until I am with these two and the world that has been shut away for so long becomes alive again. 

I didn't know Kelly was doing this until later.  Thanks, I love you too.

The rest of the evening was great.  I had dinner with an old friend. He is one of those people who you walk away from with a good feeling in your heart because of their warmth. Once again good company.  I wish there were more people around like him. 

Nick and I went to the Magic Castle late that night.  Unfortunately the only dress I have with me at the moment is a frumpy, wrinkled purple dress that belongs on a doll rather than a grown woman.  I needed something a little more "sophisticated" and was forced to turn to my sis-in-law for help.  To give you an idea or our differences in size, I am 5'5 and a nice, healthy number of pounds, Hillary is 5'0 and at least half my weight.  Needless to say the onl thing that would fit over my fleshy body wad one of her matternity dresses.  Good thing Hill has good style cause the dress was hot and it looked pretty good on me. The magic was amazing and the atmosphere was priceless. 

I was supposed to go home today but I am awesome and left the lights on in my brothers car while visiting Art Center.  The car was deadt, time was short and I had to say good-bye to my flight. I now fly back to UT tomorrow.  I don't know how I am feeling about it. Good I guess.