by Jessica Peterson

Here are a few images from Last nights wedding.  Hansen and Ami Smith.  It's nice to have a bride and groom as relaxed and carefree as these two.  It was fun to photograph them and I was happy to be able to witness such a beautiful evening. 

This week: Los Angeles by Jessica Peterson

Friday I flew to Los Angeles to photograph a wedding.  I have found that Southern CA has become a magic place to me once again.  The time away from it has made me see it with fresher eyes. 

Staying at my brothers house.  I have been sleeping on the top bunk in the kids room.  The first morning being here woke up to Oliver reading a book in a quiet whisper then I fell back asleep.  Awhile later I here him say to Abby while she was still asleep in her crib, "Abby, do you see Jessica?  I love her so much."  After he said that I had to get up and hang out with the kids.  I took some photos of them that morning while we played hungry hippo and blocks.  I saw the book on the floor that Oliver had been reading and I asked Oliver to read it to me, he said "but Jessica, I already read it to you while you were sleeping." 
I thought that was beautiful.  

Oliver with Panda, my dad brought this to the hospital the day Oliver was born and he has been in love with it since.

Armory Show by Jessica Peterson

Jendar and I being art

I really want to blog right now about my day but I can't, we are watching a movie and the light from the computer is distracting.  So I will fill in the details of the Armory Show later.  Jendar and I went this afternoon.  It was amazing to say the least, so many artist so many wonderful pieces and so many not so great pieces.  It was inspiring and refreshing.  
So below are just a few of my favorite pieces I saw. I will get names later.  

I wouldn't be opposed to going to grad school.

If you are in NY right now I think it would be a good idea to go, although it's lamely expensive. 

See ya.

by Jessica Peterson

Why is it that most people buy jeans with holes and fake dirt already included but it would be socially unacceptable for me to wear my favorite t-shirt because it has some holes in it?

The only reason I ask is because the shirt I am wearing has holes, it's my favorite, it's 3 years old so I know I can't buy another one.  Moments ago I i cut my finger and got some red on it.  I sat looking at the shirt trying to decide if it is done with or if I could pull it off like the Olsen twins do.  

This Morning by Jessica Peterson

I wanted to photograph Hillary, something about redheads that I love, their coloring seems innocent for some reason.  Hillary is going to FIT to be a dresser for stores (I'm not sure what the real name for that occupation is).  Love hearing about unique jobs.

It's nice just to photograph someone, no meaning, no distinct concept to get through but to just shooting what is.

Thanks Hillary for letting me awkwardly come into your home and photograph you. 

Chelsea Galleries by Jessica Peterson

I did the Chelsea Galleries today,  I didn't last long, it was 24 degrees and my boot grew a hole so my foot caught a cold.  I was very selective and unfortunately didn't get to see all that I wanted to see.  But what I did see was amazing.

Showing at the James Cohan Gallery was Simon Evans.  This was one of those experiences where your heart stops and the mind go one thousand miles per hour and you feel that this world is in it's right place for just once... in other words, I really liked what I saw, now that I am thinking about it this guys pieces remind me of me at my oddest hours, (narcissistic? possibly, but aren't we all?) .  Words, lists, the nothings that make us, us.  I left feeling okay about myself and I am more than okay with that.

This one made me smile a lot

These two are digital images by... oops, I don't remember.  That's okay because I didn't like them that much, but I did like what he wrote about this top image-

I want to throw them away, but I can't
These objects have been around me all my childhood
I used to hate them, now I feel attached to them
This could be the sideboard in our living room
I want to throw them away, but I can't.

-Souvenir #6

This is most likely relatable to most people.  The stuff we carry around.  Why? Sometimes I just hold onto things for too long, it's a dead memory and part of myself I would feel guilty leaving behind me.  

This next one was called "this is what I would have looked like as a child" or something like that... it just caught my eye.

And I bought with my eyes this book. Drop Dead Cute.  Female artist, female centered. Loved it.

Contest with myself by Jessica Peterson

 I like contests and I like betting.  There is a thrill to it you can't get anywhere else.  Sometimes I have my own contests.  Like a few years back while in NY I tallied the times I saw a rat in the streets, last summer I tallied popped collars while on vacation, I had everyone with me spotting them, it was great.  In my old work meeting I would tally all the sexual innuendos my boss would make without ever noticing.  I've tallied how many times a nervous speakers in church would say "um" and the times a friend would say "like" in a conversation.  It keeps things interesting.

Today I had a contest with myself, I wanted to see how many tallies I could get from men that said I was beautiful.  I started doing this after the third time it happened.  At first I was annoyed with the comments,  but once I started my game It was fun, all I needed to do was keep a slight smile on my face and hold eye contact for longer than 3 seconds, half of the time they would come out of nowhere and surprise me.

So, I only got 8 marks but that was pretty good for walking around for 2 hours. 

Here are the best lines I got.

"I just gotta tell you you are very beautiful, mmm hmmm"

same guy called from across he street after I crossed and said, "you are gonna be my wife, you know dat."

here's another

"Hey pretty hair, I know where you work, I will give you two weeks to break up with your boyfriend then I am gonna come and find you.  You've got two weeks."    (Two weeks...Two weeks... if anyone knows that movie ref you get a dollar)

One guy stopped me to tell me how beautiful I was and my eyes were nice and that he would give me a free taxi ride around the city..."  I said no and I that I was on my way and as I left he said "well let me just admire you while you walk away."  

Ha ha ha.  Before any of you think this is the place to meet men, every single one of these guys was either in their 40s or 50s and missing at least one tooth.  I am now realizing I must seem like a horrible person but I am not.  Just trying to find a little humor in otherwise painful situations and encounters... that's all.

here are some awesome lines for you to keep...

- was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world
-are you an alien? because you just abducted my heart
- let's make like fabric softener and snuggle 

Okay, sorry, I am done now.

by Jessica Peterson

So, maybe it obvious that I am sitting at home right now with nothing to do.  I love the wesite
it makes me raugh.

Just want to share such love that grow with sun times and move the spring time sings

My favorite color of skin is Rainbow by Jessica Peterson

I will admit I like tattoos.  
Mostly bad tattoos.  I am sorry if any of you reading this know the owner of any of these, don't hate me.

I actually kinda like the Shaggy tat.

This guy let his 8 year old practice tattooing on him (although I kinda like this one too.)

So sweet


This one is sad for two reasons.

Laura Croft... 

He he... indeed


I am guessing this was done while he was passed out.

On Wheels by Jessica Peterson

This morning I walked outside of the apartment and the first thing I saw was this huge bus parked on the street.  There were all these people in orange vests walking around the bus with leashes attached to puppies and doggies, of course I went over to see what was going on. It was a animal adoption center that ventured out on wheels on the weekends to find homes for the homeless pets.  I met with one of the ladies that was fostering this adorable black and white mix, she was so sweet and calm, all I wanted to do was take her with me.  Inside the bus there was a wall of kennels, inside each compartment was the most tender creatures I have ever seen, I am guessing they were all drugged to be acting so polite. 

How is it possible to own a heart that melts and breaks at the same time?
What a wonderful idea.  I am grateful for the people who volunteer their time to help out. 
I had to pull myself away from the bus after a while.  I keep thinking about them, I hope they find happy homes to be apart of.  

by Jessica Peterson

Goal. Create. Everyday.

don't look at the wacko color shift.
By the way, I am a victim of claw hand,  Oprah will be so proud to have another member join the club (wink RB peeps)

by Jessica Peterson

I don't have photoshop, I tried to fix some colors in preview and they went nuts.  I will have access to a real computer soon.

Today we took photos.  Thanks Jendar, Carrie and Erik for braving the weather with me.  It means a lot to have your support.

Thanks Jendar

Thanks Erik

I thought this was fun.  

Better things to come.

Apology by Jessica Peterson

I just read through old posts.  I found multiple spelling errors, I promise I can kinda spell, I guess I just write and sometimes I repeat words multiple multiple times, sometimes I spell waste when I mean waist, sometimes I am way off.  I will apologize to the critics and blame it on my sweet brain for making socially acceptable attributes second priority in my daily tasks. 
oh well. 

by Jessica Peterson

Fashion blogs...
no offense...

Can I be a nomad?  Storage my things and just go?
It's late and I am blogging again.  I can't sleep.  

Let The Right One In... by Jessica Peterson


I was bummed when I found out about this movie and that it had already been through the theaters.  I was ecstatic when I found it hanging on by a limb in it's last theater in soho.  I know it is super hip to like vampires right now with the whole Twilight thing (I'm not trashin', I read them all in 24 hours) but this was the movie that should have gotten the attention Twilight did.  Well, let me take that back, I wouldn't recommend it for young viewers or the squeemish(sp?), there is a little blood.  
It is a down right beautiful film. The cinematography was breathtaking, the acting was spot on which doesn't happen very often with child actors and the story was simple.  I liked it.  I guess it comes out on DVD on March 10th if you want to check it out. 

By the way I am always looking for good movies that flew under the radar, if any of you know of some that I might like let me know.  I really do like film.

Yummy by Jessica Peterson

It's really sad but this is what I had for dinner.  

I have had cupcakes on the brain for a while and after the last cupcake I bought which tasted like 6 day old cornbread with cold old butter on top posing as frosting I had to do it right the this time.

We went to Billys,  I have to say it is exactly what a bakery should be.  Adorable.... everything.  I was planning on only getting just 1 cupcake, vanilla on vanilla but when I saw all the flavors, colors, pies and cookies I had to taste a little of everything.  My belly is now full on Billys and I have some leftovers for when I need a little somethin' tomorrow.  

by Jessica Peterson

I am missing max.  Here I only have one pillow at night and it's used for my head, at home I have at least 5 pillows surrounding me at night so every which way I turn or toss there is something soft for me to hug.  I'm having trouble sleeping.
I am about to walk to Central Park and practice taking photos.  It's going to rain soon so I should hurry.  But let me vent first... Once again, I was running around the internet and peeking into photographers sites, It was inspiring and discouraging at the same time.  I want more for myself, I want to be shoot and not worry if it will make me money for a hamburger the next day (blast you reality!)  Some people get to shoot for themselves. 
Last night I dreamt I went running with no shoes, The dream began with me walking home from my old high school with some old friends.  I decided to take my shoes off and continue home on my own while the two other girls stopped to play checkers on a dome shaped chalkboard that sat in an old mans front yard (?).  I had no shoes and the sidewalk was torn up, my feet bled and cut then I wanted to run so I did.  I passed the the gas station and thought about getting sour candy (my staple even in my dreams) but I had no shoes on, I couldn't go in.  When I got to my mothers house my dog althea was alive (she died this past fall), she is always alive when I dream, the neighbors where outside, we were all cleaning our homes, there was mention of pink cupcakes, I had no shoes and we spoke of the depression we are in. 


Well.  I should go.  I am excited.  

Today I got a glimpse of what heaven will be like. by Jessica Peterson

I'm lucky that I am not 400 lbs overweight, I like food a lot, but I like good food.  For lunch I went to this place called Slice, it's on 2nd Ave between 73 & 74.  It's an all organic pizza place that serves some pretty good eats.

Thin slice of honey whole wheat smothered in chicken masala and topped with melted organic mozzarella cheese and garnished with chopped parsley.  

I am thinking about going back for dinner.